If you are not a member of the Greene County Historical Society, we would love to have you join our ranks. Tax-deductible membership dues are $20 per year, running January-December. All members receive a mailed quarterly newsletter to keep them up-to-date on Society activties. The Society has no paid staff – what we accomplish is through the hard work and financial contributions of volunteers and supporters like you; and all funds raised go toward historical preservation of the rich heritage of Greene County, Alabama.
To become a member, send your annual dues check to the Greene County Historical Society, PO Box 746, Eutaw, Alabama 35462. Be sure to include your name and address so that we can stay in touch. You can also bring your membership dues to any of the regular meetings held the second Thursday of each month at 6 pm at the Vaughn-Morrow house located at 310 Main Street, Eutaw, AL.